Here's an update.
On Sunday we drove here...
[downtown LA]
to go see this...
which featured these 2 guys...
Even if you're not a big fan of theatre, I'd really recommend this play. The acting was superb!
On the way, we drove around and looked at the sights.
City hall.
Disney concert hall (funkadelic hmm?)
and this bizzaro water fountain outside the theatre complex. I thought it looked like the harbinger of death with dying people writhing around. S says it's supposed to be about peace. Hmm....
Monday and today... we'll I guess I'm at least working on one of my new year's resolutions, to get more work done.
The good news... only 4 rows left on the shawl. Of course I've only had 4 rows left for about 4 days... not very good progress [laugh].
The other good news... I have the company of these two. Yep that's S blowing a raspberry at Sterling. You can see how well that went over!
What a face (both of them)!
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