Yucca whipplai... this guy should grow up to be about 2-3 foot tall.
This amazing plant is Aloe Vera but look at that bloom... it's about 3 1/2 foot tall. Just in front and to the left of the aloe is aeonium catlin 'bronze tea cup.' And did you notice all the blooms on our iris just in the background?!
Ok... this plant isn't new but the dirt in the pot is. He has doubled in size and had to be repotted (all that lighter green growth on the top half of the plant is new in the last 3 weeks).
And look at this bevy of babies. A whole selection of little succulents, agave, and cacti.
The big guy on the left here is also new... Kalonchoe Thyrsiflora, better known as flapjacks (I think that's too cute a name).
We also had to do some damage control in the back yard. Some new agapanthus to fil in a hole near the bird bath...
and a new camelia, swan lake, to replace one that was exposed to a bit too much Sterling.
Spring... what a great time of year.
If you are ever over in the Pasadena/San Gabriel area and you want to see some nice succulents and cacti, and a huge selection at that, you need to stop by the place on Rosemead Boulevard and I think Del Mar, it's called California Cactus Center (here's their website http://www.cactuscenter.com/), I have many succulents that I bought from them, I love them myself. I need to go over there one of these days. I had a little yellow miniature crown of thorns that I just loved, I think I got it there, it froze when we had that cold snap.
Hi. Just caem upon your site while doing a search for succulents in tea pots! I love your pics!
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