With it cold, dark, and rainy outside, I had lots of motivation to stay inside where it was warm and to cozy up with my friend Elizabeth.
You can see from the photo that we now have sleevage! I ran into the same cable roadblock on the sleeve as I had with the body and just faked it again. I've also decided that I want to keep the sleeves straight (rather than flairing into a bell at the bottom). My improvisation will allow that to happen easily (or at least I think so, laugh).
This is my first long sleeve sweater and I am beginning to appreciate others' comments about sleeve deserts/hell/infinity. I'm not quite over it yet, but the sleeves do seem to take quite some time. I realize that part of it is the greater number of cables per inch with this part of the pattern, but I also think that I just expect it to go much faster when a sleeve is so much narrower! Those expectations will get you every time.
All in all, she is coming along. I am proving to myself once again that I am not a fast knitter though. I have finished 87 rows of one sleeve (out of about 128) after 2 pretty full days of knitting. I'm not sure that I'm going to be able to hold out long enough for this to be my first FO of 2008. I may have to sneak in some small projects first... I have my eye on these for example after seeing them over at Tienne's. After all, I do have that leftover alpaca from S's fingerless mitts ... hehehe.
Happy Monday!
Your sweater is gorgeous! I haven't done any knitting in weeks and weeks, quilting has taken over. The weather yesterday made me quilt even more, I got a lot accomplished.
oooh! She's so pretty! I think she'll be worth the time! :)
Wow, that looks gorgeous! Yeah, sleeve land is no fun, but I agree, it's going to be worth it!
Oh, so lovely! And, I'm in love with Prince Charming from your last post - adorable!! :)
What a beautiful sweater. But I had to stop myself from thinking, "Oh, I want to knit that!" OPP, indeed! Thanks for dropping by the blog and good luck on the rest of this sweater. It is going to be purty!
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