Now I believe I've mentioned that work has been pretty busy lately. Things have not slowed down... I still have a bucket load of work to do. But I couldn't get this idea out of my mind. Sooooo... I did leave work about an hour and a half early on Tuesday and came home to knit.
Turns out it was one of the best mental health decisions I've made in a long time. As I drove home it started to rain (a pretty monumental event here in LA). First it was sweet little raindrops and misty rain. After I got home though the heavens opened up and, gasp, we even had a true thunderstorm... thunder and all. Sterling, our dog, despite having grown up in Oklahoma where thunder is almost a weekly occurrence, is completely scared of the noise. Apparently our two little California adoptees, Issac and Dylan, share the same fear. So we all crawled up on the couch together in the living room. I knit and the animals snoozed, and startled, through out the storm.
Even better, it was such a relaxing time that I played hookey from my spanish class and watched a movie instead. This kind of relaxation is just a must every once in awhile!
So not only did my evening end with good feelings, but I also made great progress on S's one row scarf.
Doesn't it look looooong?
It's about 4 1/2 foot long at this point and I'm sure will stretch out longer as it's worn. Better news, I'm almost through the second skein of yarn so I'm at least 60% done. The best news, when S saw it Tuesday night, he expressed that might not need it to be 8 foot after all! I am now believing that it might be finished in time for his Chicago trip (and omg... have you seen the weather in Chicago... brutal again yesterday!).
So the scarf still wasn't done for Vday but good progress was made. Now just to carve out a bit more time....
p.s. I've added myself to the queue for

Good for you! We all need a night off every now and again. If it means the scarf will be done in time, all the better!
cute blog! the scarf looks great! i too like mi scarves about 8 ft long!
aoIt sounda like your evening of knitting was perfect. Sometimes it only takes a little time to yourself to feel renewed. I've been trying, quite unsucessfully, to have a couple of quiet hours to knit and watch Little Miss Sunshine for two weeks and it's Just.Not.happening. That's life with three teenagers and a husband. But hey, good for you! You give me hope!
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