Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Knitting with friends

This morning we had a beautiful sunrise. I watched it as I walked with the dog. I hurried back to the house to get the camera so I'd have a picture to share, but [sigh], dead batteries.

My week is already zipping along. I did take time out last night to go to my local SnB. Erin, Jenean, and I knitted up a storm. I'm pleased to say that I think I'm almost to the half way point on S's scarf. This is not a small accomplishment given that it's going to be about 8 foot long when finished!

I don't think it will be done by Vday (unless I run home now and knit constantly until tomorrow night) but hopefully will be finished before his trip to Chicago later this month. I hear it's beastly cold there and he'll need to wooly goodness.

Hope the week is going well for all.

1 comment:

Erin said...

You should post photos of the scarf to impress us with how much work you've done on it!

I know you don't think it will be ready by the 14th but you are still getting through it fairly fast given your work schedule!