have you?
No?! ... well get off the computer and go! Voting this morning was so energizing! I got up early, well in fact I woke up early several times and had to keep going back to sleep until it made sense to get up. After a brisk walk with the pup and a quick shower, off to the polls I went.
I love my neighborhood ... so many different kinds of people. The polling place was a great slice of America ... it made me feel proud to be able to vote with people of different ages, races, sexual orientations.
My wait wasn't too bad... only about 25 minutes. I figured that early (I went around 7:20am) was the best bet for beating the crowds. I suspect it will be even busier later. Even more reason for you to go vote now!
Be part of the process. Read up on the issues and go vote! Me, I'm going to be waiting anxiously for the returns. We Californians voted on some important issues (beyond the obvious presidential choice) including whether or not to legalize discrimination in the state constitution... I'll be glued to the returns to see whether my fellow residents are truely humane and don't make the aggregious error of passing Prop 8.
I haven't been so excited to vote since 1988 ... that seemed like a chance to turn the country around but we didn't do it then. I think this time we might make a better choice. =]
Good for you! I voted early too.
I'm even more impressed that you are actually wearing a turtle-neck sweater today! Yayy for rain and winter in SoCal!
Have to wait until after work - but I'll be getting the vote on! And No on 8!!
I voted last week by absentee ballot. I'm so excited for today! I really wished I lived in Cali today so that I could vote No on Prop 8 too!
yeah, happy Obama Day! It's warmer in South Bend today than LA--go figure...
I am so happy and proud today to have a new president, and to quote what I saw on someone else's blog, "America finally grew up." I was very sad to see not enough to do the right thing for Prop 8.
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