The best thing I can say about the passage of time over the past week is that at least the garden has been growing. We have baby cucumbers, corn, and radishes in the garden now. That unfortunately is the end of my upbeat interpretation of the week.
This week has been hell. I can't even point to one or two bad things, it was just one of those weeks. Too much to do, not enough time to get it all done. Ever have so much to do that you just get paralyzed and can't do anything? That's the kind of busy I have right now. I've been just denying the number of things that need to be done and then Friday I got some bad news at work (I'm losing a co-worker who has really helped me keep the boat afloat -- it will be a tremendous loss for us). I successfully managed to put the news aside all weekend and just pretended that nothing had happened.
Yesterday, back in the office, it wasn't so easy to pretend. I went through the motions and just fought off the urge to burst into tears every hour or so. Today was better. I got up and started problem solving. I fixed a few small things and found out that one bad thing won't be as terrible as I thought (the person who is leaving is willing to stay involved part time for a year which will help alot!). I still have a mess to clean up, no real idea how it's going to get fixed, but at least a little time to figure it out.
I think the trick is going to be just to push through... one task at a time... and to just hope for the best. It's a fact, not everything in life can get done at once. I'll do what I can. It won't feel like enough, but what's a girl to do? Sit at home and knit? Don't tempt me [laugh]!!
There's not been much on the knitting front around here ... my paralysis has unfortunately followed me home. S's sweater (above) is coming along but feels like acres and acres of stockinette stitch ... oh wait... it is acres and acres of stockinette stitch! The fabric is knitting up quite nicely and is nice, easy knitting. I'm more than half way finished with the front (the back already complete). Sleeves are clearly going to be endless though. I've already started joking with S that I'm going to turn it into a vest!
So hang in there everyone... I will be. Clutching to my sanity and trying to slowly, one by one, cross things off my to do list!
Sorry you're having a rough time at work right now, I know how that goes! Maybe I'll see you again one of these days at the knitting group at the new store.
Wow, it must be going around. I've been having a couple of weeks like that too. I think of endless stockinette as my comfort knitting, so maybe this is a good time to knit those sleeves. :)
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