- What is your first name?
- What is your favorite food?
- What high school did you go to?
- What is your favorite color?
- Who is your celebrity crush?
- Favorite drink?
- Dream vacation?
- Favorite dessert?
- What do you want to be when you grow up?
- What do you love most in life?
- One word to describe you.
- Your Flickr name.
The instructions to create the mosaic are:
- Type your answers to each of the questions below into Flickr Search
- Using only the first page, pick an image
- Copy and paste each of the URLs into the mosaic maker
Today was a day that needed distractions from office business. What better than to play along with a good meme. I've seen lots of these around blogsville and have enjoyed looking at others. Hope you guessed a few. If not, here's the crib sheet.
1. Where's Liz?
2. J.Co Donuts
3. Forest Park Trail
4. Greener Pastures
5. Who? Me?
6. Hot Milk Tea
7. Point Lynas on a Christmas Mornin'
8. Montgomery Street Cafe: Chocolate Cake
9. Youthful exuberance
10. My boys in black and white
11. lamp detail
12. Liz Knitting
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